This binder contains 72 sequential reproducible pictures showing a day in the working life of Bob Wilson. The whole experience, from getting to performing a job, is condensed into a single day. Concepts are explicated with visual prompts, dialogs, and questions and answers. Students experience the job search and application process and filling out forms. Permanent and temporary employment, interviewing, income tax, health insurance, and work schedules are explored and can be role-played. On the job, Bob learns to punch in, gets training, runs the equipment at work, learns safety procedures, teamwork, and job responsibilities, cleans up his work area, and punches out. He even learns the concepts of overtime and continued job search for upward mobility and more pay. Picture Work includes teacher’s notes and methodology. Follow up activities include role playing, dialogs, filling out applications, a crossword puzzle, sample of reproducible want ads, an application for employment, classified ads, and a reading activity. Picture work is ideal for ESL, employability skills, life skills, and adult special educational programs.